2018 news

Noelia Hurtado & Carlos Espinoza

Noelia Hurtado & Carlos Espinoza

Noelia Hurtado started her artistic career in the famous Club Sunderland in 2003. She studied intensively the well-known Villa Urquiza style with maestros Carlos Perez and Rosa Forte amongst other important maestros, and in 2006 was selected as metropolitan champion of tango salon of Buenos Aires and metropolitan sub-champion of milonga. She has gone on to add her own personal touch to her dance and merged the attributes of Villa Urquiza tango and milonga with new elements and techniques of contemporary tango. Known as the Queen of embellishments, Noelia’s teaching emphasises active following and her dancing is a perfect example of close embrace, elegance and energetic dynamism, with an unusual quality of movements. In August 2011, Noelia started the partnership with Carlitos Espinoza and since then they have become requested teachers and performers at various festivals all over the world. Their dance combines both the tradition of classical style tango salon with beautiful close embrace, as well as new dynamics and energy. They are one of the current most notable young couples of Tango.

Carlitos Espinoza
is a dynamic young milonguero style dancer who has been dancing for the last eighteen years in Argentina and Chile and has instructed at over 100 festivals and workshops in Europe and South America. One of his first tango teacher was Carlos Malone and Sergio Natario, who taught him the importance of walking. In 1998 Carlitos began teaching in Argentina and Chile and in 2001, in Europe. Since 2004 he has taught in Europe almost full-time. When he is not touring, Carlitos resides in Santiago, Chile where he instructs group classes and gives private classes to advanced students. His teaching works on multiple levels, simultaneously developing technique and mechanics while challenging students’ interior landscape, and their process of conceptualizing when they lead or follow. Dancing in authentic close-embrace milonguero style tango, his personal dance style is characterized by a combination of dynamism, musicality, energy, precision, and a very grounded and elegant walk.


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