2018 news

Marcelo Rojas

Marcelo Rojas

Marcelo Rojas is a famous must-see DJ in the tango scene, one of the most renowned in Buenos Aires as well as at international level. He is currently the musical adviser for the Buenos Aires city government, programmer at the official Buenos Aires tango radio station “La 2×4”, DJ at the Confitería Ideal, organiser and DJ at the Milonga Tango Ideal. In 2009, Marcelo won the Martín Fierro prize for best music programme, “La noche con amigos” with Lionel Godoy. He has DJ’d at the best known milongas in Argentina and Europe and participated at major festivals during his travels in Europe and Asia. For many years, Marcelo has also participated at major festivals in Latin America, including the World Tango festival in Buenos Aires, the “Camicando mocca – canyengue” festival, the Congreso Internacional de Tango Argentino C.I.T.A., the Campeonato Metropolitano tango show, the Cumbre Mundial de tango Bariloche.

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